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  • Preside at meetings of the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors, and the Annual Meeting of the membership
  • Call special meetings as indicated
  • Appoint committee chairs, subject to approval by the Board of Directors
  • Appoint Legislative Liaison to serve as liaison between BOD and LSHA Lobbyist
  • Appoint LSHA representatives to state level task forces upon request of state agency and/or governor’s office
  • Appoint and dissolve ad hoc committees as indicated
  • Oversee activities of all standing and ad hoc committees and task forces through direct liaison with appropriate Board members
  • Conduct a review of organizational performance and effectiveness, including a review of the Executive Secretary’s performance by June 1, for the previous year ending December 31; to be presented to the Board
  • When necessary, recommend changes in Association structure (board, committee, etc.) to the Board of Directors
  • Assume chief spokesperson responsibilities for the Association to the public, press, legislative bodies and other related organizations
  • Attend spring and fall meetings of the Council for State Association Presidents (CSAP)
  • Appoint member(s) of the Nominations, Elections and Awards Committee
  • Maintain a Code of Ethics for the Association
  • Administer and enforce the Code of Ethics
  • Provide information for the membership on matters of professional standards and ethics
  • Coordinate annual membership initiatives
  • Acts as one of the authorized signators for the Association


  • Assume the duties of the President of LSHA in his/her absence or inability to serve
  • Chair the Convention and Time and Place Committee
  • Attend spring and fall meetings of the Council of State Association Presidents (CSAP)


  • Chair the Nominations, Elections and Awards Committee
  • Oversee the development of a long range plan, subject to approval by the Executive Committee


  • Record and distribute Board, Executive Committee and membership minutes within two weeks of meetings
  • Review and sign minutes of all Board, Executive Committee and membership meetings
  • Monitor electronic balloting
  • Assure that notice of the annual meeting is sent to the membership in compliance with bylaws provisions
  • Maintain the record of Board policies
  • Review bylaws periodically to maintain currency
  • Assume responsibility for information technology on behalf of the Association


  • Safeguard the Association’s funds
  • Present a one year operating budget for the upcoming year to the Board for approval at the first Board meeting of the calendar year
  • Monitor the financial integrity of the Association and assure the proper maintenance of Association financial records
  • Review and approve monthly expense statements submitted by the management company
  • Submit accounts and records to annual audit between the close of the fiscal year (December 30) and March 31 of the following year
  • Provide for annual peer audit of financial information
  • Acts as one of the authorized signators for the Association


  • Collect and disseminate information about work settings related to audiology
  • Represent the audiology members of the Association in all matters related to the profession of audiology, including but not limited to, legislation, service delivery, reimbursement, preferred practice patterns, scope of practice, and promotion of the profession to the general public
  • Recommend subcommittees as needed
  • Provide reports on committee activities to the Board of Directors
  • Submit information to the LSHA newsletter and to the LSHA web site


  • Collect and disseminate information about work settings specifically related to health care (e.g. hospitals, rehabilitation agencies, long-term care facilities, private practice)
  • Represent members of the Association in matters related to health care regarding legislation, service delivery, reimbursement, preferred practice patterns, scope of practice, and promotion of the profession to the general public
  • Recommend subcommittees as needed
  • Provide reports on committee activities to the Board of Directors
  • Submit information to the LSHA newsletter and to the LSHA web site
  • Acts as the liaison for state and national health care taskforce representatives (e.g. Medicare Intermediary Care State Networks [MICS], State Advancement for Reimbursement [STARS], Louisiana Allied Health Workforce Council, etc.)


  • Establish and maintain communications with government officials, lobbyists, agencies and other organizations in order to advance advocacy goals
  • To initiate and/or assist with advocacy education, events, calls to action, and other interactions involving membership, the public, and interprofessional organizations
  • Provide updates to the Board of Directors re: current issues for advocacy
  • Provide input/assist with ASHA advocacy grant applications and other communications with ASHA
  • Communicate/liaise with lobbyists, legislators, and others as needed. 
  • Communicate/liaise with LSHA committee and ASHA representatives (STARs & STAMPs)


  • Collect and disseminate information related to the provision of speech-language pathology and audiology services in schools
  • Represent members of the Association in matters related to school-based practice regarding legislation, service delivery, reimbursement, caseload, preferred practice patterns, scope of practice, and promotion of the profession
  • Serve as interagency liaison coordinator between schools and related agencies/organizations (e.g. State Department of Education, State Education Advocacy Leader [SEAL], etc.)
  • Recommend subcommittees as needed
  • Provide reports on committee activities to the Board of Directors
  • Submit information to the LSHA newsletter and to the LSHA web site


  • Disseminate pertinent information concerning training of speech, language, and hearing professionals to students, other professionals, and the general public
  • Promote participation of university training programs in LSHA among faculty and students
  • Appoint a scholarship committee to develop criteria for selecting scholarship recipients, solicit nominations for and select scholarship recipients
  • Develop fund raising activities to support LSHA scholarships
  • Provide for representation of multicultural concerns regarding professional educational issues
  • Appoint the Student Representative to the Board of Directors by April of each year
  • Work with NSSLHA chapters to educate students regarding all aspects of the professions, including but not limited to, legislation, service delivery, reimbursement, preferred practice patterns, scope of practice, ethics, certification, and licensure
  • Recommend subcommittees as needed
  • Provide reports on committee activities to the Board of Directors
  • Submit information to the LSHA newsletter and to the LSHA web site


  • One Director at Large will oversee the duties of the Continuing Education Committee
  • One Director at Large will oversee the duties of the Legislation Committee
  • One Director at Large will oversee the duties of the Publications Committee
  • One Director at Large will oversee the duties of the Public Awareness Committee


  • Meet the qualifications for appointment to the Board of Directors as defined in Article IV. of the bylaws
  • Serve as liaison to those students enrolled in speech-language pathology and audiology training programs in the state
  • Provide reports on student activities to the Board of Directors
  • Submit to the Director for University Services information for the LSHA newsletter and the LSHA web site

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