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LSHA Advocacy Updates


The Louisiana Speech Language Hearing Association worked hard this Legislative Session to pass the Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact bill.  The Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact (ASLP-IC) is an occupational licensure that allows Speech-Language Pathologists & Audiologists to practice across state lines in both telehealth & in-person in states that participate in the Compact.

The ASLP-IC is operational when 10 states enact the legislation for the compact. On October 21, 2020, Senate Bill 34 was passed, making Louisiana the 6th state to enact legislation! Much thanks to Senator B. Peacock for introducing the bill and Representative Dr. B. Carpenter for supporting the bill on the house floor.

For additional information on ASLP-IC, please visit

Advocacy 101


While it may sound intimidating, a five-minute meeting is all it takes to build a valuable relationship with a legislator. Legislators want to hear from constituents, and face-to-face meetings in the district are much more effective than form letters, e-mails, etc.

When meeting with your legislator:

  • Introduce yourself.
  • If asked why you wanted to meet with them, state that you are becoming more active in your state organization's legislative efforts.
  • Briefly explain what it is that you do as an audiologist or SLP.
  • You may give them copies of any brochures or fact sheets on SLP and audiology services that you feel will be helpful.
  • Make them aware of the issue/situation.  Stick to the facts, presenting both sides of the issue. Do not get emotional.
  • Try to ascertain their position (support or opposition).
  • Tell them you will be contacting them again during the session. You might ask your legislators if they object to being contacted via e-mail.
  • Leave your business card, or write your name and a way to be contacted on the information you provide to the legislator.

After the meeting:

  • Complete the Legislative Contact Form, or send an e-mail to with the legislator's name, your name, the town in which you live, where you work, and whether the representative or senator is supportive.
  • Follow-up by sending them a thank you note for meeting with you.

Do not:

  • Try to impress the legislator with professional jargon, demean the opposition, or take a negative or argumentative approach.
  • Ask the legislator to support a bill which is already a law. 

"Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth."

- William Faulkner

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